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Foucarville-Beuzeville au Plain

Foucarville-Beuzeville au Plain

This museum, the only Canadian one in Normandy, was first opened in 2003 on a private first initiative of a D-day veteran, Garth Webb (1918-2012). It is here to commemorate the contributions and sacrifices of Canadian soldiers during the liberation of Europe in WW2.

Divided in seven parts, it explains what Canada was before the war started, how the country turned completely toward the war effort, the different Canadian campaigns in Europe and the total human cost. The museum always houses a temporary exhibition.

Located just behind the sand dunes of Juno Beach, it is surrounded by German bunkers and beach obstacles, Canadian and Allied military equipment, monuments, sculpture, inukshuk and information signs.

Foucarville-Beuzeville au Plain

Beuzeville-au-Plain, Sainte-Mère-Église, France

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